Causes of plaque in the language and how to eliminate it


  • Norm
  • Pathology
  • Reasons for the formation of plaque
  • White color
  • Yellow bloom
  • Gray patina
  • Prevention, treatment and removal of plaque.

Many people in the morning discover a bloom of white and other shades in their language. It occurs as a result of the accumulation and activity of bacteria during reduced work of the salivary glands during sleep. Plaque is a different color, different thickness, and have different causes of origin.


Do not worry about plaque in the following cases:

  • If the deposit is small and through it you can see the pinkish color of the tongue, and the state of the body does not bother.
  • If the unpleasant odor is minimal or absent during the raid, the plaque itself can be easily and completely removed after brushing the teeth and tongue.
  • When the raid appears after eating and after a couple of hours he disappears from the tongue.

The absence of diseases, mainly of the digestive system, is indicated by a pale pink tongue, with moderate humidity on which a small monochromatic whitish bloom without an unpleasant odor is possible.


The following factors are cause for concern and initiation of treatment:

  • Saturated bloom, which is difficult to remove, and after removal resumes after a short period of time.
  • The raid is accompanied by a steady, stale smell.
  • The formation of cracks and wounds on the tongue along with the touch.
  • The appearance of plaque on the background of general malaise of the body.

In identifying such manifestations, consultation of a dentist, gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist, and nephrologist is necessary.

Reasons for the formation of plaque

On the body of the tongue there are four types of papillae, which differ in their shape, size and purpose. Among them are the particles of food taken, which also feeds on the many bacteria that live in the mouth. These microorganisms are the source of plaque on the tongue and an unpleasant smell. With proper and normal functioning of the internal organs, while respecting hygienic procedures in the mouth, the normal microflora is observed and there is little or no plaque. If the immunity is weakened and the disease is present, the microflora is disturbed and a raid of a different nature appears.

The raid varies in several ways:

Color . The color range of the plaque can vary from light white to black. It is believed that a light shade indicates a milder form and the initial stages of the disease, and a dark patina may indicate severe forms of the disease.

Thickness . Dense plaque on the tongue may indicate an exacerbation of chronic diseases and serious infectious diseases. Thin plaque is a symptom of the initial stage of the disease, colds, tonsillitis.


Spread . The appearance of a raid is possible over the entire area of ​​the tongue and may be present on certain parts of it in the form of spots of different sizes. In oriental medicine, close attention is paid to the places of accumulation of the largest plaque. Healers believe that each body corresponds to a specific area in the language. The region of the tip of the tongue is an indicator of the cardiovascular system, immediately behind it the area responsible for the lungs, the sides are responsible for the liver. The central part is associated with the stomach and spleen, a little deeper from the center inside is the area responsible for the kidneys, and the extreme visible part of the tongue signals the quality of the intestine.

White color

The appearance of such a plaque is possible throughout the entire plane of the tongue, and may have a local character, appearing in separate areas. Not transparent white plaque indicates a possible course of the disease.


The thicker and darker the plaque becomes, the greater the likelihood that the disease is exacerbated and spread throughout the body.

  • The presence of a thick plaque may indicate a disturbance in the bowels that can provoke constipation.
    • White plaque, accompanied by fever, indicates infection of the body with pathogenic microbes, the onset of a cold, tonsillitis and other viral diseases.
    • Cheesecake is a symptom of thrush.
    • A frothy, curd white patina may indicate oral dysbacteriosis after the use of antibiotics, steroids and immunodepressants.
    • In case of gastritis with low acidity, a white dry plaque appears, and with increased formation of acid, the tongue becomes rough.

Yellow bloom

The main factor for the occurrence of yellow plaque are diseases of housing and utilities and liver. Yellow in the tongue is possible with hepatitis. A bright yellow patina that does not go on for a long time indicates gallbladder problems. Yellow language can also indicate chronic gastritis.
Yellow bloom can after smoking, drinking tea or coffee.

Gray patina

This color plaque signals a recurrence of diseases of the stomach and intestines.
Grayish spotted plaque may indicate a stomach ulcer.
Acute gastritis is characterized by a white-gray patina in the middle of the tongue. However, there are pain and indigestion, nausea, frequent belching.

Prevention, treatment and removal of plaque.

The plaque itself is not a disease, but an organism’s response to a decrease in immunity and the development or exacerbation of diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the cause of its formation. To begin with, you should visit a general practitioner or family doctor who, after an examination, will refer you to the specialist you need. In many cases, the plaque passes without the appointment of medicines, and with the help of a special diet prescribed by gastroenterologists.

To remove plaque, hygiene procedures should be carried out in the oral cavity. Brushing your teeth and tongue should be done twice a day. The tongue can be cleaned with the back of a toothbrush on which there are special bumps for cleaning. For this purpose you can also use a teaspoon or a special device.


To combat plaque, you can use soda solution. For its preparation it is necessary to dissolve 0.5 tsp of soda in 200 ml. boiled water. For cleaning, use a piece of gauze moistened in such a solution.

To improve the microflora and oral hygiene, rinse with chamomile and sage herbs is used.

It is important to adjust the food, relieve the stomach, stop smoking, alcohol, reduce the consumption of coffee and tea, use about 2 liters of water per day to cleanse the body of toxins.

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