How to quickly and effectively stop smoking


  • How to stop smoking by yourself
  • Easy way to quit smoking
  • Quickly quit smoking at home
  • Folk remedies

According to statistics, every fifth man in the world is a smoker and most of them are trying to get rid of cigarettes, but they are experiencing considerable obstacles. This is due to physical and psychological dependence developed in men who are addicted to smoking. The negative consequences of smoking are experienced by both smokers and others – this is a medical fact therefore, the earlier you give up nicotine, the healthier you will be.

How to stop smoking by yourself

Quitting smoking on their own, men need to pay attention to the smoking experience and the number of cigarettes smoked per day, because the way to quit cigarettes also depends on the degree of nicotine. Ignoring the state of the body with a strong addiction man is not able to bring the process to completion. Or vice versa, a man uses drugs to help stop smoking, which he does not need. This is not only extra financial costs, but harm to health.

So, if the smoker’s experience is more than ten years and the number of cigarettes smoked per day is more than 15 pieces, then it is recommended to give up cigarettes along the way with the use of aids (tablets, patches, chewing gum, inhalers). This will not only facilitate the psychophysical state, but also help to achieve results without returning to cigarettes again.


In cases where the smoking experience is up to seven years and the number of cigarettes smoked does not exceed 10-12 pieces per day, it is better to quit smoking immediately and without the use of aids.

Smoking cessation consists of several stages:

  1. Preparatory motivational stage.

Ninety percent of success is a deliberate clear motivation that helps not only throw away a pack of cigarettes, but also no longer “touch” cigarettes under any circumstances. Men most often determine the motivation associated with maintaining health and prolonging sexual opportunities. At the next place is the financial component, and every year the motivation of quitting smoking associated with professional activities is increasingly in demand.

  1. Stage of quitting cigarettes.

The best option for medical reasons is a sharp rejection of cigarettes.
At this stage, the main task for men is to overcome the desire to smoke. You can win by using different methods. The most common are:

  • Breathing exercises. Take a deep breath and straighten your shoulders to hold your breath for 4 – 5 seconds after slowly exhale.
    • Distract with physical exercise (squatting, push-ups, jumps).
    • Switch to your favorite activity (reading, computer game, call to someone).
    • Drink green tea or water .
    • Use chewing gum .
    • If possible, take a shower or bath that is calming.
    • Read or recall the motivation to quit smoking.

Note! A keen desire to smoke a cigarette lasts no more than 7 minutes.

  1. Use of replacement therapyin cases of high nicotine addiction.

To reduce the manifestations of nicotine “breaking” apply patches and chewing gum containing nicotine (Nikvitin, Nikorette), electronic cigarettes, inhalers, as well as tablets of the following types:

  • Preparations blocking receptors that control the pleasure of smoking cigarettes (Champix, Tabex).
  • Preparations containing a nicotine substitute that have a nicotine-like effect on the body (Tabex).
  • Antidepressants to help cope with psychological dependence (Zyban, Velbutrin).
  • Homeopathic remedies also reduce cravings for cigarettes and have a calming effect (Ceres, Tabacum, Antitab).

All drugs are auxiliary methods at the beginning of the process of refusing cigarettes. With the right reception with a gradual decrease in doses and willpower, a positive result is obvious.

  1. The stage of physiological and psychological restructuring of the body.

After stopping the entry of nicotine into the body in the first days, men experience psychological discomfort and poor health, which are declining every day and cease to be acute in a month. But the first month of patience is worth the positive changes that occur in the body after quitting. After the addiction is declining and does not interfere with life.


It is more difficult for men to overcome the psychological dependence on cigarettes when it is necessary to rebuild the body so as not to solve problems with cigarettes, and not to use smoking as an obligatory ritual of talking, walking or partying. It is very important to learn to live without cigarettes.

Narcologists say that we can talk about quitting smoking only after six months have passed without a cigarette.

Easy way to quit smoking

To easily quit smoking, it is necessary to think in advance and plan the process of quitting cigarettes. The reasons for quitting smoking should be important and weighty for you. It is necessary to analyze under what circumstances most of all pulls to a cigarette and, if possible, determine for themselves the distracting tactics of behavior. For some men, it is easier to continue the usual communication, with the support of friends and relatives, and for some it is better to find the strength to fight alone.

Determine the date of quitting and start receiving ascorbic acid 200 mg a day for ten days. In the first three weeks it is better to exclude alcohol and coffee, and to increase the use of vegetable and sour – dairy products. Do not overeat, looking for a replacement for cigarettes, it is better to use regular chewing gum, and not nuts or crackers.

The main thing, having smoked the last cigarette, is no longer allowing itself to touch it, thinking that one puff will not hurt, because in 90% of the options this is already a return to dependence.
In cases of strong nicotine addiction, it is recommended to use ancillary drugs (patches, tablets, chewing gum, inhalers, electronic cigarettes).

Quickly quit smoking at home

The main thing in the successful process of giving up cigarettes at home is a firm conviction that you are on the only right path and success is yours, not your cigarette. We recommend using the following recommendations at home.

  1. Define for yourself the day when you completely give up cigarettes.

Choose this period consciously. Analyze when you most need a cigarette and try to distance yourself from it. For example, if without smoking you find it hard at work, then take a vacation, and if, when communicating with friends, try to temporarily limit meetings. Stressful situations occupy the first position when a man pulls a smoke, so it is necessary to eliminate irritants and enlist the support of loved ones.

  1. Make smoking impossible for yourself.

Take away or throw away cigarettes and ashtrays. Ask the entourage not to give you cigarettes.

3 . If necessary, use aids.

If you have the following symptoms of nicotine addiction: insomnia, mood swings, depression, palpitations, and dry mouth, then it is better to use aids. These can be nicotine-containing patches or chewing gums, also in a complex they use soothing preparations and multivitamins. If you are a smoker with the experience of smoking for more than ten years, then it is better to begin the process of refusal with taking pills according to the scheme in the instructions. For example, a common budget drug intake scheme:

  • Chewing gum or plaster according to the instructions (Nikvitin, Nikorette).
    • Before bedtime, drink a teaspoon of motherwort tincture.
    • In the morning, drink a teaspoon of valerian tincture.

When using nicotine-containing drugs, it is unacceptable to independently increase the dose.

Do not forget that the most difficult first month, after the symptoms go on decline, and more psychological dependence on cigarettes is manifested.

  1. Pay attention to food and drinking mode.

Water helps the body to cleanse the body of harmful substances, and a glass of water can help overcome the desire to smoke. Restrict the need for coffee, strong black tea and alcohol.

Proven use of eggplant, due to the content of microdoses of nicotine, which is felt by the brain.

During this period, try not to overeat and do not use nuts and candy to replace cigarettes, often they are the cause of weight gain. For this, the best way is chewing gum or fruit. It is also useful to use vegetable chips (thinly sliced ​​vegetables, dried in a microwave or oven).

  1. Physical education.

They relieve stress, distract from smoking and keep a man in shape.

  1. Breathing exercises.

With their help, the lungs are cleared faster and breathing becomes easier. They help to pull themselves together in stressful situations. We offer the easiest breathing exercises for men:

  • Taking a deep breath, hold the breath for 4 seconds and slowly exhale.
    • Inhaling through the nose, exhale slowly through the mouth.
    • Inhale to “raise” the stomach, and as you exhale, draw in the stomach.

Breathing exercises to perform with a flat spine and slowly. The number of approaches to start four times and build up to ten gradually, because at first a slight dizziness may occur.

  1. Use an integrated approach, including folk remedies(teas, infusions, drug fees).

Folk remedies

Traditional ways to stop smoking are divided into funds that cope with nicotine addiction, soothing and disgusting to smoking.

  1. Application of oat broth.

Helps to cope with nicotine addiction and cleanse the body. It is a success to relieve irritation in smoking cessation syndrome.

Preparation: Pour 500 ml. water 2 tablespoons of oat grains and boil for 15 minutes, after overflowing in a thermos or wrapped to let it brew for 10 – 12 hours. Strain and take half a glass (125 ml.) Three times a day before meals.

  1. Tea from Hypericum.

It is recommended to take in the first two weeks of refusal from cigarettes, because not only helps to cope with nicotine addiction, but also has soothing qualities.

Preparation: Take 1 teaspoon of herbs, pour a glass (250 ml.) Of boiling water and wrap. Drink in the form of heat three times a day and preferably 30 minutes before meals.

  1. Eggplant, potato and tomato salad.

These vegetables help smokers to quit smoking because of their low doses of nicotine. For example, a glass of tomato puree can quench the body’s thirst in nicotine for a few hours.
You can eat these vegetables together, as well as in combination with other vegetables.

  1. Consumption of dried pineapple.

Every time you want to smoke, eat a slice of dried pineapple. It has a distracting effect and does not contribute to weight gain.

  1. Soothing tincture of valerian, hawthorn and motherwort.

This tincture helps to cope with nervous disorders and insomnia with withdrawal syndrome. Valerian helps to normalize pressure, hawthorn has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, and motherwort helps with insomnia.

Preparation: Mix tincture of valerian, hawthorn and motherwort in equal doses and take a teaspoonful before bedtime. If desired, dilute with water. Ready-made tinctures can be purchased at the pharmacy.

  1. Relaxing baths.

Recommend to relieve tension in the process of refusal from cigarettes.
For the preparation of baths, you can use the essential oils of valerian, lavender, nerola or brew grass mint, sage, linden, oregano, calendula. You can use one type of grass or collection.

Cooking method: brew a glass of dry grass with a liter of boiling water and let it infuse for two hours, then strain to add to the bathroom. The water temperature is 37 – 38 degrees, the bathing time is 20 – 30 minutes.


  1. Smoking milk cigarettes.

If a man chose a gradual rejection of cigarettes, you can use this recipe. When smoking a milk cigarette there is a disgust for smoking.

Method of preparation: Soak cigarettes in milk and allow to dry in heat.

Quitting smoking under the power of every man is important to know how to do it correctly, so that the process is successful without returning to addiction.

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