Isolation in men from the urethra – norm or pathology?


  • Norm and pathology
  • Pathological secretions
  • Without inflammation
  • Odor
  • Diseases in which blood is detected in the secretions
  • Discharge in the morning
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Preventive actions

The discharge from the penis can be judged on the condition of the male urinary organs. Discharges come from the urethra and ejaculatory canal, the duct of the prostate, sebaceous and skin glands. They are divided into physiological (related to normal) and pathological, which can develop as a result of an infectious, inflammatory, or traumatic lesion of the prostate gland or other organ of the genitourinary system.

Norm and pathology

The physiological, indicating that the body works correctly, include the following situations:

  • Urethritis . Observed colorless discharge, appearing at the time of excitation. This medium is protective for sperm that could not survive in the acidic environment of the vagina. In addition, the secret performs the function of lubrication before the release of sperm. The volume of the secret is determined by the degree of desire of the man and the individual characteristics. If sexual contact was preceded by a long period of abstinence, then a small amount of semen may be secreted along with the secret. This also applies to the norm.
  • Smegma . This is a secret that is secreted by the sebaceous glands, located on the head of the penis. It is needed to reduce friction of the foreskin on the head of the penis. It contains fat and bacteria. The allocation of smegma occurs constantly. These discharges are removed mechanically during hygiene procedures. However, if we neglect the purity, then these secretions will accumulate, the bacteria in them – multiply. At the same time, there is a specific smell, and the color of the secretions changes to yellow-green.
  • Prostatorea . Isolation of prostate secretion – colorless and viscous with the smell of spermine does not belong to the pathology, but the appearance of an unpleasant odor and discoloration may indicate inflammation of the prostate or cancer. It is rare and its appearance can be due to the low tone of the smooth muscles of the ducts of the gland, the psychosomatic nature (due to stress), anatomical features.
  • Cum . Usually is the completion of sexual intercourse. However, it can be released arbitrarily after prolonged abstinence (emissions). The release of sperm usually occurs at the time of orgasm. Pollutions occur at night or in the morning before waking up – their release is caused by the production of testosterone .

Pathological secretions

The etiology of pathological secretions is due to:

  • Inflammations;
  • Cancers;
  • Sexually transmitted infections;
  • Injury or medical intervention.

It is necessary to consult a specialist if the discharge has changed its consistency, volume, changed color from transparent (if we are talking about the urethra), or grayish-white (semen), for example, to white, brown or yellow-green.

Infectious nature

The following symptoms indicate IPP infection:

  • Transparent clear discharge may indicate mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmal urethritis , chlamydia.
  • The same diseases can be accompanied by colorless or white secretions with mucus or pus. When chlamydia can stick to the skin of the head of the penis.
  • Discharge with pus is a symptom of gonorrhea . The color can change to brown, yellow-green, and the texture becomes thick. Discharge with gonorrhea has the smell of rot. In addition to the discharge, this disease causes a burning sensation, itching, worse after urination.

Reproduction of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms

One of the reasons is thrush. Symptoms of thrush are as follows:

  • yeast-like odor;
  • white bloom on the head of the penis;
  • itching and burning in the groin;
  • red spots on the head, indicating inflammation, irritation;
  • when having sex there is pain.

Check out:  How does thrush manifest in men?

Turbid discharge that occurs after urination may indicate inflammation of the prostate. The following additional features are observed:

  • intermittent jets and soreness during urination;
  • burning sensation;
  • discomfort during stool;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • constant desire to empty the bladder.

In the acute phase of the disease, the volume of secretions increases, when they become chronic, they become white and are produced in small quantities.

Inflammation of the prostate requires mandatory treatment, and should begin as early as possible. At the advanced stage, prostatitis will not only affect the potency, but may also lead to infertility.

Discharges with the smell of fish are found with gardnerella. They are small, yellow or green in color. The cause of the disease is dysbacteriosis.

The mucopurulent secret is produced when inflammation of the urethra. Discharge is small and usually not accompanied by additional symptoms.

Without inflammation

Usually occur due to injury, pathology of a neurological nature or oncology.

  • Spermatorrhea is a serious disease, accompanied by frequent excretion of seminal fluid, not associated with sexual activity. It is a consequence of the loss of tone of the vas deferens, which may be due to neurological disorders or diseases of the spine.
  • Prostatorea . It may be a variant of the norm or indicate the development of prostatitis or adenoma – only a doctor will tell about it.
  • Highlight brown with blood or purulent clots often indicate oncological processes .

Colorless discharge

Transparent discharge accompanied by chlamydia, ureaplasmosis , trichomoniasis , gonorrhea.


When chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, they are observed in the chronic phase of disease. During exacerbations, the growth of leukocytes is recorded, which is manifested by a change in color to yellow or yellow-green. Any other symptoms (soreness, discomfort) may be absent.

Trichomoniasis and gonorrhea in the initial stage are accompanied by colorless discharge with mucus.

Highlight yellow

Highlight yellow color indicates venereal disease.

When gonorrhea, there is a smell of rot, there are pains during urination. The classic manifestation is the occurrence of discharge in combination with itching.

Trichomoniasis may be asymptomatic. The characteristic clinical picture in addition to discharge with pus includes soreness and itching, a constant desire to go to the toilet, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.


Smell may occur if the elementary hygiene is not followed.

The reason is the smegma that has accumulated in the region of the foreskin, in which bacteria multiply. An unpleasant smell appears when metabolic processes in men are disturbed. This situation is characteristic of diabetes. In violation of the metabolic processes of allocation is very abundant

The most common cause of the smell is infection. For example, with purulent urethritis, discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant smell of rot.

Sour, reminiscent of yeast, smell, a symptom of thrush. Cheesy discharge, white. Their appearance is caused by the reproduction of the fungus Candida.

In addition to these options, an unpleasant smell accompanies:

  • balanitis (inflammation localized in the head of the penis, at which pus is sometimes added);
  • balanoposthitis (inflammation of the inner surface of the foreskin).

Diseases in which blood is detected in the secretions

Bloody streaks in the secretions are usually the result of infection. Such inclusions are found in fungal infections, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis.

Blood is found in chronic urethritis. This is explained by the fact that the mucous membrane is loosened and with any irritation, contact (even due to the passage of urine) reacts with bleeding.

Another variant of abnormality is hematorrhea. This discharge with blood from the urethra. Lump may appear after taking a smear or other medical intervention. With regular appearance after urination may indicate a tumor.

If there is sand in the kidneys or bladder, the mucosa can be injured by sand. An additional symptom in this case is pain during urination.

Hematospermia (blood in seminal fluid) can develop as a result of diseases (oncology, kidney stones, varicose veins), and be the result of careless medical intervention (then no treatment is required).

Discharge after urination

  • Discharge of pus with gonorrhea. In addition, this disease causes burning, itching, increasing after urination.
  • Hematorrhea. With regular appearance after urination may indicate a tumor of the organs of the urogenital system and other serious pathologies.
  • Prostatitis. Read:  Symptoms and signs of prostatitis

When urinating

  • Miktsionny prostatorea. Discharge at the end of urination in the form of viscous mucus with grayish streaks. Caused by an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. May accompany and the act of defecation.
  • Glomerulonephritis (kidney disease) is another disease, the clinical picture of which is accompanied by hematuria (blood in the urine). To this symptom are added puffiness and increase in blood pressure.
  • A dangerous disease in which blood appears in the urine is cancer. Blood has a dark color, clots are detected.

Discharge in the morning

  • Physiological urethritis;
  • Pollutions;
  • Prostatorea (physiological or pathological);
  • Urethritis (inflammation of the urethra);
  • Infectious diseases (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis);
  • Candidiasis.


In order to understand what measures need to be taken in the event of the occurrence of pathological secretions in men, it is necessary to examine the doctor and conduct laboratory research.

Diagnosis includes the following steps:

  • Inspection . The doctor examines the penis and groin in order to identify traces of injuries, inflammation, rash.
  • Palpation of lymph nodes located in the groin. With this manipulation, an assessment of temperature, size, soreness, and mobility is carried out.
  • Manual examination of the prostate gland. Before the survey is recommended 2-hour abstention from urination. This examination reveals adenoma of the prostate gland, cancerous growths.
  • Analyzes For analysis (microscopy and seeding) take smears. Microscopy can detect the presence of certain pathogens. A high concentration of leukocytes indicates an inflammatory process and indicates urethritis or an acute phase of inflammation. When urethritis and allergies will be increased eosinophils. The content of erythrocytes increases with tumors, injuries, urolithiasis, as well as with neglected inflammation.
  • Complete blood count and urine test.
  • Ultrasound, computed tomography, urography.


Allocations cannot be considered as a separate pathology, they are always the result of a disease. Only a doctor can determine the treatment regimen after identifying the cause.

The following medications can be used for treatment:

  • antibiotics are prescribed for infections;
  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs.

For individual pathologies, for example, prostate adenoma, a comprehensive approach is needed, which involves not only taking pills, but also injections, as well as the use of rectal suppositories.

Preventive actions

The reasons for which may appear discharge, a great many. However, if you follow a number of simple rules, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of their occurrence:

  • Condom use. In most cases, abnormal discharge occurs due to infection with venereal diseases. This can be avoided by using condoms.
  • Hygiene rules. It is recommended to visit the shower at least once a day. Mechanical removal of smegma will eliminate unpleasant odor and a favorable environment for reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

Regular visits to the urologist – at least once a year.

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