Male aphrodisiacs in products

Aphrodisiacs owe their name to the goddess of love Aphrodite. The word was formed from the term aphrodisia – the common name of sexual desire. These include products that stimulate and increase sexual desire and sexual arousal. Such substances, by improving blood circulation and metabolism, contribute to the restoration of sexual capabilities and forces of the body. The main advantage of aphrodisiacs – natural origin without chemicals and preservatives.

What products are aphrodisiac?

From a medical point of view, male aphrodisiacs include:

  • Substances containing zinc and selenium. These elements are involved in the production of testosterone, which regulates sexual behavior and sexual potential in men.
    • Products with vitamin and protein-acid complex that help strengthen the body.

List of aphrodisiacs for men

Products that are commonly considered male aphrodisiacs help to increase sexual desire and increase blood flow to the genitals. This effect improves erection and prolongs sexual intercourse.


Common male aphrodisiacs with a pronounced activity of useful properties:

Shrimps, oysters, fish . These seafood, in addition to excellent taste, are useful with a high content of substances necessary for the body. They have a lot of zinc and protein, which, respectively, increase the production of testosterone and strengthen the male body.

Read: What foods increase potency

Caviar. Both red and black caviar is rich in the same zinc and protein, and also contains amino acids, minerals, vitamins A, C, D, E, iodine, phosphorus, calcium. In addition to improving potency, caviar helps to raise hemoglobin and lower blood cholesterol levels.

Avocado. This fruit has been used since ancient times as a means to increase libido and improve fecundity. The fruit of the product is rich in potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, vitamins A, C, K, PP, E. In addition to the benefits in increasing potency, avocado is a blood purifier and is an obstacle to the formation of cholesterol, improves memory, is a prophylactic from cardiovascular diseases, strengthens the immune system.

Most citrus fruits, such as oranges, tangerines, lemons, and grapefruits, have beneficial properties, including potency.


Nuts They are a source of vitamins E, A, C, potassium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, proteins, which are easily absorbed by the body and have a positive effect on the male reproductive system.

Pumpkin seeds . The maintenance of a complex of useful vitamins favorably affects an erection, promotes at treatment and prevention of prostatitis.

Honey. It contains many useful elements that favorably affect not only the sexual capabilities of men, but also the whole body.

In more detail : The honey is useful for men

Onion and garlic. Although they have a specific smell, but due to the huge amount of useful vitamins, they improve potency and strengthen the libido. Like most aphrodisiacs, onions and garlic are rich in zinc, which is one of the main elements in the construction of the male sex hormone.

Eggs Normalize the circulatory system, stimulate the function of sexual function.

Read more about eggs : How are chicken and quail eggs useful and harmful ?

Spices, herbs, herbs . Parsley, ginger, celery, basil, and dill are distinguished from this group. They fill dishes with unique taste and stimulate sexual activity.

Since the Middle Ages , red chili and cardamom have been considered an impotence drug. Due to the high content of zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and iron, it stimulates the male body.

This includes ginger – a product that reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, thus improving the properties of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, which has a positive effect on potency.

Strawberries . Beautiful, tasty, aromatic berry contains antioxidants, vitamins and endorphins, which improve mood and sharpen the senses.

It should be noted the effect on increasing the sexual desire of such a drink as mulled wine. In combination with spices, hot and tasty wine is an excellent tool for the male reproductive system.

The main thing when taking such a drink – compliance with the norm, so that sexual desire would not be replaced by relaxation, turning into drowsiness. Recipes and cooking methods mulled wine

Despite the benefits of these products, quick effect, as when taking, for example, “ Viagra ” does not always come. With regular use, aphrodisiacs fill the body with nutrients that allow the male reproductive system to work without a glitch.
The effect of such products still has a placebo effect. When a man believes that products increase his sexuality, the body is programmed to the desired result and gives the desired effect.

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