Methods of treating bacterial prostatitis


  • What is the treatment of bacterial prostatitis?
  • Surgical intervention
  • Alternative treatments
  • Differences in the treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis
  • Effective folk remedies
  • Prevention
  • Chances of full recovery

Depending on the degree of complexity and the course of the disease, the attending physician prescribes treatment, which includes taking medications, dieting, and physiotherapy. In the absence of intoxication and complications, the treatment is carried out in day hospital conditions, on an outpatient basis, or at home. In other cases, hospitalization is necessary.

Read:  Signs and causes of bacterial prostatitis, possible complications

What is the treatment of bacterial prostatitis?

Prostatitis is treated quite a long time with the use of combined means. The first and most important type of medication is antibiotics that quickly suppress the infection. Such antibacterial agents are prescribed as:

  • penicillin group (Augmentin, Amoxiclav);
  • macrolides (Clarithromycin, Erythromycin);
  • (Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin).

Together with a course of antibiotics, physiotherapy is prescribed – electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, laser treatment. Hardware procedures are aimed at fixing the problem locally.

The second type of drugs is immune modulators that increase resistance to infection and increase the body’s defenses. Massage of the prostate gland in chronic prostatitis and special exercises improve blood circulation, which allows pharmacological agents to point to the problem area.

Read: How are Kegel exercises for men

Prostate massage is contraindicated in the acute form of the disease.

Also appointed funds for enhancing blood microcirculation, metabolic processes in the organs of the genitourinary sphere. Non-steroidal anti – inflammatory candles are used . Chronic condition with exacerbation facilitate:

  • candles based on propolis (Prostotopin, Vitol);
  • suppositories with peptides (Prostatilen);
  • ichthyol, sea buckthorn candles.

These drugs increase remission, normalize urination, relieve pain.

Drug therapy is supplemented with hormonal agents for long-term chronic or for severe parenchymal prostatitis. Androgenic preparations containing sex hormones are prescribed to men over 30-35 years old.

Surgical intervention

In some cases, surgery is appropriate if inflammation passes to other organs. Indications for surgery are also:

  • Active abscess, rolling in phlegmon.
  • The increasing temperature during treatment.
  • The formation of stones in the ducts of the gland, greatly violating urination.

A purulent focus of the lesion, completely or partially of the tissue of the inflamed organ in the presence of stony inclusions, is surgically removed.

Alternative treatments

With the help of special gymnastics, you can stop or reduce the manifestations of chronic prostatitis. Methods of physical therapy are good in the period of well-being after the end of treatment. Muscle tension of the perineum does not completely eliminate the disease, but it helps to increase the remission. A set of exercises is selected by the doctor for a particular patient.

As a physiotherapeutic procedure, warm baths can be prescribed in order to tone up the muscles, improve lymphatic drainage, and blood supply. Baths help eliminate the residual effects of the disease and speed up the healing process.

In inflammation of the prostate, leech therapy is indicated – hirudotherapy, which is carried out for hemodynamics (improving blood circulation through the vessels) with a targeted course of no more than 5 procedures. Sessions are repeated after 3-4 days.

Differences in the treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis

There are no clear differences in the treatment of acute bacterial and chronic prostatitis in the acute stage. The key point of therapy in either case is antibiotics in accordance with the sensitivity of the microflora that caused the progress of microbial inflammation. First, broad-spectrum drugs are prescribed together with drugs to improve local blood circulation.

The leading place is taken by the complex anti-inflammatory therapy, including:

  • nonsteroidal drugs (prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors);
  • alpha blockers;
  • alpha reductase inhibitors;
  • vegetable and vitamin complexes.

Physiotherapy – auxiliary measure. Possible non-specific therapy with the use of herbal remedies, dietary supplements.

Effective folk remedies

Herbs and plants contribute to the treatment of prostatitis. Among them are:

  • pion;
  • nettles;
  • burdock root;
  • pumpkin seeds .

Peony soothes, relieves pain. Use ready-made infusion from a pharmacy or a prepared decoction of rhizome according to the instructions on the pack, 40 drops three times a day for a course of 1 month.

Nettle heals the affected tissue, tones and raises the sexual activity of a man. Infusion can be purchased at the pharmacy and take 50 grams daily overnight.

A decoction of fresh burdock root is indicated for inflammatory processes. It is recommended to drink a decoction warm in a glass 4 times a day.

Pumpkin seeds are a time-tested product, rich in zinc, for male diseases. The optimal dosage is 30 seeds before meals.

Plants and herbs are only an addition to the main treatment course or prophylaxis, but not an independent therapy. They can be bought only on the recommendation of the attending physician.


By following simple recommendations, prostatitis can be avoided. Namely:

  1. Maintain an active lifestyle.
  2. Try not to overcool.
  3. To establish proper nutrition.
  4. Follow a regular sex life, preferably with one partner.
  5. In adulthood, annually surveyed and eradicate bad habits.

Balanced nutrition is an important component of the normal functioning of the male genitourinary system and the general condition as a whole. Diet men should replenish seafood, protein foods, plant foods. Sharp, sour, salty, alcohol is desirable to exclude or minimize.

The problem of men living in megacities is hypodynamia, which is why testosterone production is rapidly decreasing, and the prostate gland, which is involved in the transfer of the main male hormone, suffers. Physical activity eliminates congestion in the pelvis, increases testosterone, which regulates sex life, performance, psycho-emotional state.

Regular sexual life is also best reflected in the state of the male reproductive system. Permanent partner and protected sex – the best protection against bacterial prostatitis.

Prostate massage cannot be ruled out – one of the means of preventing chronic disease. The procedure is not always pleasant for the stronger sex due to painful moments, discomfort, psychological barriers. As a preventive measure is contraindicated in acute prostatitis or in case of suspicion of it. It is better to trust a professional, and not to perform manipulations at home.

Chances of full recovery

Prostate pathologies are progressively studied. Bacterial prostatitis is a complex task of modern urology. Despite a comprehensive diagnosis and an integrated approach to the problem, only 30% of cases can be cured completely. In order to achieve an effective result, the doctor must operate with objective data, treatment should be directed at eliminating the causes of the disease, and the patient’s treatment should be timely.

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