Proper implementation of the bar for maximum benefit.


  • Why precisely plank?
  • What muscles does the bar use
  • Correct body position – general technique
  • lead time
  • Tips for beginners
  • Types of slats
  • Benefits of exercise
  • Negatives and contraindications

Planck is one of the best exercises for training the bark muscles and the press in particular. The core, the so-called muscle corset, is a particularly important muscle group. The contraction of the core muscles gives rise to any complex movement. Only after the tension of this zone, the force spreads throughout the body and goes to the extremities.

Why precisely plank?

In the life of every man, the abs and the muscles of the lower back play an important role, so they need to be trained. Not all training will be useful, because many well-known exercises are not able to affect the muscular corset correctly. Due to an incorrectly developed program of training, the risk of injury and dysfunction of the muscles that hold the posture increases.

Many beginners make a mistake by choosing standard exercises for the development of the press, including complex twists, for the first classes in the gym. Yes, they are effective, but their implementation requires advance preparation. Twisting will not give the desired result without proper development of the core muscles.


It is the bar that prepares the body to perform a more complex program. World experts have long recognized the bar as the most effective exercise for the overall strengthening of the muscular system, as well as some muscles in the limbs.

Please note: the plank does not contribute to the development of a pronounced relief or a set of muscle mass. Exercise is aimed solely at strengthening the muscles and the formation of a strong, powerful hold for the upper torso.

Because of this feature, many athletes neglect the bar – and it is in vain!

What muscles does the bar use

The peculiarity of the plank is its versatility: the exercise is aimed at general training. It involves almost all the muscle groups in the human body, in particular:

Muscles of the cortex (including the press). 
The core serves as a stabilizer for the entire body: the pelvis, spine and chest.
This group includes the abdominal muscles (straight and oblique), the gluteal muscles, the extensors of the back, the biceps of the hips, and many other muscles adjacent to the pelvis and femur.

Trapeze and belt muscle. 
The trapezius muscle holds the cervical vertebrae, maintaining posture. The full development of the trapezoid and the belt muscle is in demand among office workers and people who spend most of their time on the computer.

The functions of the delta consist in taking the arm to the side, flexing and extending the shoulder.
The deltoid muscle plays an important role in doing push-ups and similar exercises. Those who cope with this task does not matter, you should pay your attention to the bar.

Biceps muscle of shoulder and biceps. 
The muscles of the shoulder, especially the biceps, are actively involved in the implementation process. When the bar is held, tension is also stimulated by the biceps.

Due to its properties to train such a number of muscles, the plank has earned the respect of many professional athletes.

Correct body position – general technique

Please note: Plank – static exercise. It does not include any movements. Therefore, the main task of the person performing is to keep the body in the correct position. From this depends on the effectiveness!

Technique can not be called difficult. The main thing is to control your body at every moment of time, not to allow it to relax.

The ideal “bar” looks like this:

  • Feet closed together (or as close as possible to one another). In such a stand it is easy to lose balance. To avoid falling, the body will automatically strain the necessary muscles.
  • The legs are straight, not bent at the knees. In the thighs and calves performing should feel the tension. If it is not traceable – the load on the legs and the press is distributed incorrectly.
  • Buttocks are tense. The contraction of the gluteal muscles increases the activity of the entire cortex.
  • Loins – smooth! Most newbies find it difficult to handle this item. The lumbar region should not bend down or up. To adopt the correct position, you can imagine that the waist is pressed against the wall or the back of the chair – absolutely straight.
  • Belly – drawn in. Breathing should be uniform and calm, in no case should it be delayed.
  • Elbows are located directly under the shoulder joints. The arm is bent at the elbow by 90 degrees.
    Reliance is made only on the toes and elbows.
  • The look is directed to the floor: you can not lift your head.
    From top to toe performing an imaginary flat line can be drawn. The back, neck, waist should be flat, without deflection.

The most common mistake in the exercise is the relaxation of the buttocks, legs and abdomen. All muscles must be in tension, otherwise excessive load will damage the lower back.

For successful retention, it is desirable to find a mat for fitness – so elbow joints will be less tense. Mirror wall will help to control the correct position of the body. In the absence of a mirror, you can ask for help from a friend (or coach) – he will definitely monitor the correctness of performance.

lead time

How long do you need to keep the bar? At the initial stages it is worth holding out at least 20 seconds. For beginners, a good indicator will be a time of 30-60 seconds.
The number of repetitions should be 3-5 times.

Keep the bar for at least 30 seconds is not so easy. Strong tension can come at the tenth second. It is important not to change body position and be held as far as possible. If there is a strong burning sensation in the bark area, the implementation of the plank should be stopped.

In case of back injuries, doctors prescribe a therapy that includes retention of the bar to restore muscle tone. Typically, the duration of therapy is 10 days, during which the execution time increases from 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes.

As you get used to the exercise, you need to gradually increase the time for its implementation.
You need to make efforts to hold out at least 3-4 seconds longer than the last time. Then the bar will give the desired result.

The option of a daily five-minute exercise complex.


Tips for beginners


  • In the classical plank, the feet should be closed, but it is not easy to maintain balance in this position. If you have difficulty mastering the classic version of the exercise, place your feet a little further from each other. The greater the distance between the toes – the easier the implementation. However, do not get carried away! Legs “shoulder width apart” is the maximum limit.
  • Do not hold your breath! This mistake makes almost every second. Proper breathing will ensure adequate blood circulation and proper muscle nutrition.
  • Auxiliary exercises – pushups, pull-ups and squats – will improve the workout. Change of action will provide more productive muscle work and strengthening of the specialized muscles. The upper block and deadlift will also have a beneficial effect on the muscles.
  • Increase time. Work on your stamina.

Types of slats

When the body is accustomed to retaining the usual plank, you can go to the next level and perform more complex variations of this exercise. For example:

  • plank + push-ups;
  • bar + jump;
  • plank + hand removal;
  • lath + lunge;
  • rolling bar;
  • side rail + turn.

In an effort to bring one’s body into shape, doing just one bar will give poor results. Make training more effective help:

  • diet – foods rich in protein and complex carbohydrates contribute to the nutrition of the muscles;
    the inclusion of additional exercises in the training program;
  • timely rest – breaks between approaches should be from 1 to 1.5 minutes;
  • good sleep is a long rest of the muscular system, during which the muscles do not cease to grow.

Benefits of exercise

Performing the exercise has a positive effect on:

Developed bark muscles better hold the spine, preventing its curvature. Thus, the bar improves both health and aesthetic appearance of a person.

Weight loss. 
When you run the bar burns not too many calories – about 5 per minute. For comparison: strength training – 8 cal, fast cycling or jumping rope – 10 cal.
However, in losing weight plank is indispensable.

Strengthening the nervous system. 
The psychological factor is the development of willpower and the constant control of your body, every ligament and every muscle.

Increased overall tone. 
Planck provides effective strengthening of the muscular system. With regular performance, the body becomes fit and attractive – stretching improves, fatigue and stiffness in the muscles disappear.

Acceleration of blood flow. 
Accelerated blood circulation nourishes all tissues and cells with oxygen and nutrients, nourishing the entire body (including the brain – an increase in mental activity).

Negatives and contraindications

Planck is a relatively safe exercise. But there are some contraindications to its implementation:

  • High blood pressure (hypertension).
    Planck contributes to a strong tension of the cardiovascular system, so that people with high blood pressure should abandon this exercise.
  • Injuries or sprains of the elbow, shoulder, hands and feet.
  • Worsening of well-being due to exacerbation of chronic disease.
  • Hernia of the spine (and some spinal injuries).
  • Cubital channel syndrome.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Neuropathy of the radial nerve.

The video is a visual aid to retain the bar. Here are the most frequent mistakes of newcomers in the exercise of this exercise.

If you follow all the recommendations for retention of the plank, this exercise will be the best assistant in losing weight and training muscles.

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