Pack: 10 ml vial (200 mg/ml)
Substance: Testosterone Cypionate
Cypionate 200 vial is a powerful drug to develop quality muscle mass. Cypionate 200 vial represents testosterone cypionate which produces solid mass. Cypionate vial is an oil based anabolic bulking steroid. Cypionate vial is a highly active bulking steroid. Cypionate vial is a most effective injectable bodybuilding steroid. Cypionate injection promotes fat-free quality muscle mass. Cypionate is the best injectable drug available at the cheapest price. Cypionate injection increase nitrogen which develops body mass. Cypionate 200 vial is a 17th carbon methylated molecule which develops solid body weight. Cypionate vial release free testosterone which develop quality muscle mass in a month. Cypionate adds more than 5 pounds in a month.
Uses: Cypionate 200 vial is a highly active bodybuilding steroid. Cypionate is capable to add fat-free mass. Cypionate vial enhances testosterone hormone. Cypionate vial developed the sexual drive and improve the secondary sexual characteristics of the male person. Cypionate vial often used to treat delayed puberty level.
Side effect: Overdose of Cypionate may cause Nausea, Vomiting, and Anxiety.