Useful properties and contraindications of parsley for men’s health


  • Description, appearance, origin
  • Beneficial features
  • Composition, nutritional value, calorie
  • Application, methods of use, norms
  • Benefits for men
  • Parsley root
  • The benefits of dried parsley, how to use?
  • The benefits of parsley juice: how to make and how to take?
  • Parsley decoction
  • Parsley
  • Parsley seeds
  • Harm and contraindications

Is it easy to be a man? In the 21st century, he must be successful, rich, cheerful, reliable, sexy, contain the qualities of a super hero and a demigod. Then the woman just can not resist. How to combine the features of the reader and reaper, without having excellent health? It is impossible to buy or find. Find the result is an amazing plant, a panacea for men’s health! Do not smile, the green bunch focused a lot more qualities than it seems. His name is parsley. Every man should find out why he should eat this grass in any form.

Description, appearance, origin

Parsley – undersized perennial herb, arrived to us from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. She is surprised by the number of varieties, does not require special care, is popular in cooking, provides dishes with an incredibly spicy and savory aroma. Soup, gravy, salad, roast – seasoning solo, complementing the taste of “highlight”.

Traditional medicine has not slept, it has long since caught sight of this herb, assigning tasks in the field of treating many ailments. Nature has thought of everything for a man – what is needed is gathering dust not on the pharmacy shelves, but literally under my feet. Healers recommend consuming all parts of the plant – tops, roots, seeds.

Beneficial features

Poor ecology, bad habits, excess weight worsen state of health, disrupt blood circulation in the pelvic organs.


Seasoning is a carrier of a huge number of healing properties, even in small quantities is very useful, especially for men:

  • helps to maintain immunity;
  • gives strength;
  • saves from baldness;
  • helps with hangover ;
  • treats urogenital diseases: stones and sand in the kidneys, prostatitis ;
  • improves adrenal and thyroid function.
  • has a beneficial effect on potency.

The last point is the strongest and amazing quality of magical “green stuff”. She is a natural stimulant of sexual health. Being the strongest afrozidiakom , parsley, added to dinner for two, will stimulate desire, and the commendable and long-playing erection will express gratitude to the wonderful grass.

Read: A  set of measures for the rapid increase in potency in 1 – 3 days

Composition, nutritional value, calorie

Parsley – low-calorie product, contains about 50 calories per 100 grams . The value of the product lies in its richest composition:

  • vitamins: A, B, C, H, E, K, PP, beta carotene;
  • minerals: phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, zinc, potassium, calcium, manganese, copper, folic acid;
  • essential oils: limonene, eugenol, myristicin;
  • flavonoids: apigenin, apine, luteolin, crysoriola.

Testosterone (a male hormone), by suppressing estrogen (a female hormone), helps apigenin. It also improves blood flow in the pelvis, which has a positive effect on confidence in male forces, improves overall health, muscle work, and skin.

Application, methods of use, norms

Spice is good and useful in fresh, dried, frozen and cooked. From it prepare infusions, decoctions, lotions, lotions, using all parts of the plant. Recipes are easy, but you should follow the technology of production and consumption norms.

Eat sliced, as a seasoning for food, in the order of things. Busting with eating leads to a glut of the body with substances contained in the composition, some of which serve as a hallucinogen. One eaten bundle normally and beneficially affects a person.

Benefits for men

The male population of the planet should express gratitude to green grass for its valuable properties that have a positive effect on health with regular use. Being a strong diuretic, it removes sand, stones, toxins, increases sweating, anti-inflammatory properties solves problems of a urological nature, treats prostatitis resulting from infectious diseases, sedentary lifestyle, prolonged absence or too frequent presence of sexual relations. Greens save from alcohol intoxication after a tumultuous feast.

Parsley contains substances that increase the amount of testosterone that changes even the appearance of a man: only half a glass of parsley juice removes softness and excess weight a day, skin changes, muscles and immunity strengthen.

Rubbing juice in the scalp can prevent baldness.

50 grams of green parsley in a fresh state before the responsible work of an intimate nature will raise the male qualities to a height. Blood accelerates, libido increases and the reproduction system is activated. “Magic” lasts for several hours.

Parsley root

The product is not divided into “tops” and “roots”, in practice everything is useful. Medicine for a long time knows about the peculiarities of the influence of drugs from parsley roots on the male body: they help in the treatment of prostatitis, inflammation of the urinary organs, increase desire.

Do not abuse! An overdose of myristicin, which is part of the root, leads to dizziness and clouding of reason, certainly not from love!

The magic potion for the potency of the roots of the plant is made quickly, they are crushed into powder, two teaspoons are poured with boiling water (100 ml), infused for 8-10 hours. Take three times a day before meals in a tablespoon.

The benefits of dried parsley, how to use?

Herb can be dried without losing vitamins and minerals, doubling the taste and spicy spiciness given to food with parsley. For drying suitable tender young grass. It is necessary to rinse it, dry naturally in the sun, or in the oven at the minimum temperature. It is stored in a glass container or tissue bag.

Dried herbs is a wonderful seasoning, giving a rich taste even with a small pinch, as well as an important component of healing decoctions, accelerating metabolic processes in the body, helping to lose weight. A decoction of dried herbs makes the gastrointestinal tract work, cleans the liver, kidneys, cures inflammation of the prostate gland, bladder, and painful urination.

A medicine is prepared from dried leaves: 2 tablespoons is poured with a glass of hot water, for half an hour. Drink liquid in two rounds, morning and evening, on an empty stomach. Course 2 weeks.

The benefits of parsley juice: how to make and how to take?

Juice miracle herbs taken in violation of erection. The best time to take nectar is summer, fresh and juicy leaves are washed, scrolled with a meat grinder (blender). Then the gauze is squeezed out of the pulp drink. If desired, add salt. Drink 3 times a day on a spoon before the main meal, kept in the fridge for 24 hours.


Treatment of erectile dysfunction with parsley juice requires a course of therapy. The treatment lasts 3 weeks, a break is taken, then the course is repeated.

Parsley decoction

Methods of preparation and use:

  • A decoction will help a strong half of humanity in difficult and painful urination. The crushed roots of the plant should be poured with milk in the ratio of 1: 2, stewed over low heat for half an hour. Drink a spoon before a meal for at least two weeks.
  • Remedy for prostate and prostate tumors. Boiled leaves and roots (50 gr.), Are poured with a liter of water, boiled, after cooling, lemon juice from half of the fruit and 1 drop of iodine are added. Take the solution warm 100 ml three times a day.
  • A decoction of roots will facilitate the state of a hangover. 3 tablespoons of the crushed composition is filled with 200 ml of water, boiled for 5 minutes, cooled. Drink in two doses.


In addition to the obvious benefits of green plants for men, such as raising the tone, strengthening the immune system, the flow of a large dose of minerals, vitamins, fresh leaves arouse sexual instinct, prolong sexual intercourse. The secret in the content of substances that increase testosterone. If there are problems of an intimate nature, eat a bunch of “greens” should be daily in pure form or as part of salads.

Parsley seeds

Wrong lifestyle, environmental pollution affect the quality of male sperm, making them inactive and dead. To conceive a child has become a problem for most families. A mixture of dry parsley seeds and cilantro in equal shares will accelerate the “lazy” biological material, it should be eaten in a spoon before going to bed for a month.

Prostatitis is treated with steamed primordia. 1 tablespoon brew a glass of boiling water in a thermos and drink the tincture several times a day, regardless of the meal.

There is a second recipe for this disease: 200 g of seeds should be ground, a teaspoon of flour added to a glass of boiled cooled water, insisted in the refrigerator overnight and take a quarter cup, half an hour before meals.

Harm and contraindications

All the best, little by little – the golden rule used in food. The excess of useful elements is dangerous with negative consequences. Myristicin in excess provokes headache, vomiting, dizziness, tachycardia, hallucinations. Excessive spice threatens with allergies or individual intolerance to oils. The acidity of the herb sometimes affects the manifestations of gastritis. Be careful with parsley for urolithiasis, it can lead to an attack. It is about a large amount of the eaten product, powder of salad is harmless.

Self-medication is critical in acute inflammatory processes, parsley is useful, but not omnipotent.
Parsley – a real friend of man’s health. Included in the composition of a set of mineral salts, vitamins contributes to the overall maintenance of the body, removes sand from the kidneys, treats inflammation, prostatitis, increases the blood circulation of the pelvis, increases testosterone levels. In addition, it solves delicate tasks: it returns potency, stimulates the appetite for a woman.

Grass is used in different forms, most importantly, to comply with the measure of consumption of the product. Also try to make sure in the origin and quality of parsley, which you will eat and treat. The best grass is the one that grew without nitrates and pesticides in the summer in the country. Eat healing parsley and take care of precious men’s health.

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