What is useful honey for men


  • The benefits and harm of honey for men
  • Walnut with honey recipe for men
  • Pumpkin seeds with honey for men
  • Ginger with honey recipe for men
  • Honey and garlic for men

The healing properties of honey have been used since time immemorial. The popularity of honey is in the therapeutic effects on the body and its absolute availability. Daily use of honey improves immunity and easier to carry diseases, which in turn helps prevent a number of diseases of the genitourinary system in men who develop in a weakened body. Honey is a leader in recipes for exciting dishes and is actively used to restore sexual energy.

The benefits and harm of honey for men

The beneficial properties of honey for men are due to its components, which number more than 500. Sucrose and fructose help provide the body with energy, improve metabolism, and numerous enzymes normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Amino acids and vitamins found in honey contribute to the formation of hormones and strengthen the immune system. Being a part of bifidobacteria, restore microflora, performing the action of probiotic.

Honey acts as an aphrodisiac, improves potency, and increases sperm motility. Since it is proved that the cause of many health problems is stress or fatigue, they are managed by a natural antidepressant, honey.

One third of men are susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system, observations show that consuming honey significantly reduces these indicators.


Perhaps the only minus of honey is its allergenicity, therefore men who are predisposed to allergies should use this product with caution.

What honey is most useful for men

Describing the beneficial properties of honey, it is necessary to pay attention to the naturalness of the product, which depends on the rules of collection. It is best to use a proven product. When buying fresh honey, pay attention to the lightness of flavor, the uniformity of color and consistency. It is much harder to forge dried (crystallized) honey, the choice of which is important homogeneity and density of the product.

The properties of honey depend on its variety, therefore the following varieties are useful for men:


  • Chestnut Honey It has a dark color and taste with bitterness. This variety has a high bactericidal effect, normalizes blood pressure and blood circulation, helps with diseases of the urinary system. Due to these properties, it is recommended for the treatment of male ailments (prostatitis, reduction of potency and erection).


  • Buckwheat honey of dark brown color and bitter taste. It has beneficial properties for men due to the improved work of the blood-vascular system, since the erection occurs and is maintained due to the filling of the cavernous bodies with the blood of the penis. By consuming buckwheat honey, men replenish the body with cobalt, thanks to which reproductive health is improved (spermatogenesis and ejaculation quality). The bactericidal property helps to prevent the multiplication of bacteria in the body, which provoke the development of diseases of the urogenital system (urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis). And bismuth salts help fight the bacteria of syphilis. Since honey contains a lot of iron, it helps with avitaminosis and anemia.


  • Flower honey , as a rule, of light shades and has a pleasant delicate taste. This honey additionally includes the properties of the herbs from which nectar is harvested. It acts as a sedative in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the nervous system. In combination with different types of nuts has an excellent effect on potency.

When cooked, honey loses a number of useful properties.

Walnut with honey recipe for men

Recipes walnut with honey called natural Viagra. The benefit for men of walnut with honey is achieved through mutual “work” components. Magnesium, calcium, zinc contained in nuts contribute to the formation and production of testosterone, with a decrease in the level of which the process of potency is disturbed. Honey is the energy in its pure form, without which it can not do in sexual life.


Preparing nuts with honey for men is quite simple. It is necessary to grind three glasses of a kernel of a nut to a fine crumb and to mix with one glass of honey.

To chop nuts, it is better to use a wooden rolling pin or mortar. Honey is better to take fresh, but when using crystallized, it is better not to warm it.

Walnut can be replaced with hazelnuts or peanuts. Use the mixture daily in a tablespoon in the morning and evening.

Regular intake helps to improve potency in a week. During the reception of honey-nut mixture, it is desirable to abandon the consumption of alcohol and smoking.

Pumpkin seeds with honey for men

Another popular male recipe from honey and pumpkin seeds. Used to strengthen the male forces and the prevention of prostatitis . The recipe is effective thanks to the beneficial components for the male reproductive system of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids.


Zinc and phosphorus are involved in the production of testosterone and improve sperm quality. Arginine amino acid prevents the formation of tumors (prostate gland) and infertility. Arginine is involved in the breakdown of fats, preventing overweight, which reduces the production of male sex hormones.

For the process of erection, it is important the state of the vessels, due to which the penis is filled with blood, and the speed of the reactions with the receptors. This helps polyunsaturated alpha-linolenic acid, which cleans the blood vessels and stimulates brain function.

Cooking Recipe # 1

To prepare this tool you need to grind half a kilogram of peeled and raw pumpkin seeds mixed with one cup of honey. Take a teaspoon twice a day, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is designed for the use of all the prepared mixture. It is recommended to use this tool once a year.

Cooking Recipe # 2

The next method is to mix uncooked raw and peeled pumpkin seeds with honey. On a pound of seeds take a half cup of honey. Honey in this recipe is better to use liquid. Take one tablespoon (without top) in the morning and evening for half an hour before meals, carefully chewing to the consistency of gruel.

Ginger with honey recipe for men

An effective remedy made of honey and ginger has long been used by a strong half of humanity. It enhances sexual desire and potency, further enhances immunity, and mental abilities. As an aphrodisiac contributes to the flow of blood to the genital organ, which maintains elasticity throughout the sexual intercourse.


Recipe number 1.

To prepare, you must mix in equal doses of honey and dry ginger root. Apply half a teaspoon twice a day before meals, dissolving before dissolving or drinking water, the main thing is not to exceed the dose.

Cooking Recipe # 2

200 grams of fresh ginger root and 200 grams of lemon chop and add 200 grams of honey. Take a tablespoon a day, you can with tea.

The use of ginger is contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcer) due to irritation of the mucous membrane.

Honey and garlic for men

The combination of honey and garlic is called the elixir of youth. This product stimulates metabolic processes, coping with pathogenic microorganisms. Thanks to garlic, blood vessels are cleaned and the blood is diluted, which improves its circulation throughout the body, so the erection, which depends largely on the blood supply, also improves. Garlic increases libido by increasing sexual desire. Its ability to improve digestion helps not to gain excess weight, which reduces the production of male hormones.


Many are repelled by the characteristic smell after eating garlic. The core role in the formation of this effect is played by the core in the cloves of garlic, removing which can reduce the smell many times.

Men involved in sports, garlic is recommended before exercise. For blocking cortisol and stimulating testosterone secretion. Testosterone is the main hormone that determines men’s health.

Recipe for infusion

Chop four heads of garlic and five lemons and add 400 grams of honey. Insist in a cold dark place (refrigerator) for a week. Take a tablespoon, diluted in a glass of water, fifteen minutes before meals in the morning and evening. Contraindicated in acute inflammatory processes in the kidneys, ulcers and gastritis.

The benefits of honey for men proved many years of practice. With it, you can maintain masculine strength and health. The main thing is the systematic prevention and use of a quality product.

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