Why does itch in the anus and how to get rid of it


  • The reasons
  • Mechanical damage
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Whistling
  • Helminths
  • Diseases of internal organs
  • Warts
  • Candidiasis
  • Infections
  • Allergy
  • Nervous breakdown
  • Diabetes
  • General rules for symptom relief

Discomfort (itching and burning) in the anus can seriously damage the mental and physical health of a man, literally blocking his performance and forcing him to withdraw into himself. In some cases, you can get rid of the problem with a few simple manipulations, but sometimes you cannot do without a visit to a coloproctologist.

The reasons

Itching and burning in the anus should be alerted if they do not go away after hygienic procedures or within 1-2 days. Before a visit to the doctor, you can try to figure out the cause yourself by carefully touching the affected area. And with the help of a small mirror, a visual inspection is quite accessible, at which uncharacteristic discharges, tumors, cracks or ulcers can be noticed. Depending on the cause, itching and burning are often accompanied by additional symptoms.

Mechanical damage

The most harmless cause of mild itching that does not go away for 2–3 days is the healing process of microcracks with injuries to the anorectal region. Tissue damage is possible with constipation , prolonged diarrhea, rubbing underwear. In some cases, anal fissure becomes chronic and opens every time with a strong straining. Fresh wounds after a bowel movement cause a strong burning sensation, but epithelization (tissue repair) gradually begins, the discomfort goes down.

Effectively, you can eliminate discomfort, for example, with the help of ointment. It leaves no residue on linen, promotes rapid healing. Helps lubrication of the sphincter and the accessible part of the rectum aloe juice or honey . These folk remedies are harmless, have a disinfectant and regenerating effect.


Hemorrhoidal lesion of the rectum is the most common cause of itching and burning in the anus. Moreover, these sensations can be the first and only sign of the disease at its initial stage. Hemorrhoids are provoked by stagnation of blood in the veins of the rectum. This is a consequence of a seated lifestyle, weight lifting, permanent injuries, impaired metabolism.

External hemorrhoids cause severe pain when they are damaged, often bleeding. But the cause of itching is usually internal (stage 1 hemorrhoids). They, like external ones, are capable of ulceration, bursting, fecal masses and mucus fall into the cracks, which causes discomfort. Painful seals on the walls of the rectum within reach can be felt for yourself.

Additional symptoms :

  • fresh blood in feces;
  • pain when straining;
  • feeling that the intestines are not fully emptied.

The treatment regimen may include enemas, douching with mineral water, herbal decoctions, sea buckthorn oil. The basis of therapy is the ointment, administered with the help of the attached special nozzle (Procto-Glevenol, Ayrobin), and suppositories (Relief, Posterizan, Proktoglivenol, Anuzol, Nigepan, sea buckthorn). With the progression of the nodes are removed minimally invasive methods, but possible relapses

The symptoms of hemorrhoids are similar to the signs of a tumor, so it is necessary to confirm the diagnosis by a proctologist.


Paraproctitis (formation of a purulent cavity in the tissues surrounding the rectum), hemorrhoids, mechanical injuries, prostatitis, infectious inflammations of the mucous membranes can lead to fistula (fistula). This is a channel with purulent contents, which forms in the wall of the rectum, which can be closed on one side, or it can be through and out, for example, on the buttock. Inflamed fistula causes serious discomfort, including itching and burning in the anorectal region. Every bowel movement is accompanied by pain, discharge of pus and blood. Temperatures may rise in the evenings.

A fistula in the anus can cause impotence, as well as lead to blood infection, the formation of scar tissue and a tumor.

A proctologist surgeon diagnoses a fistula with a special probe, an ultrasound scan, and a microbiological examination of the fluid produced. Informative image of the rectum after the injection of a contrast agent. It shows the length and direction of the channel. Cytological analysis of discharge allows to exclude oncological process.

Fistula is treated surgically: it is well drained, excised or overtightened.


Itching in the anus, occurring mainly in the evening and at night, is characteristic of enterobiasis – infection of the body with pinworms. Eggs of these roundworms can get into the digestive tract with unwashed vegetables and fruits, from domestic animals, from the soil. Closer to night, pinworms emerge from the anus in order to lay eggs on the skin of the perianal folds. Itching causes not only the helminth movement, but also the mucus with which they fix the clutches. Scratching often leads to the accession of infection (often staphylococcus), the development of weeping inflammation.

Additional symptoms of enterobiosis :

  • loose stools in the morning;
  • occasional dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • increased fatigue;
  • allergic reactions, conjunctivitis, rash.

If the colony of worms is small, then there may be no additional signs other than anal itching. For accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to pass fresh feces for analysis (several times), intestinal mucus (scraping around the anus), as well as conduct immunological tests, which determine antibodies to parasites.

Enterobiosis is successfully treated with tablets: Vermox, Nemozol, Pyrantel. Traditional medicine recommends a decoction of wormwood, mint, tansy, pumpkin seeds.

Diseases of internal organs

Itching in the anus is possible due to diseases of the liver, pancreas, bile ducts. When these organs break down in the blood, there are many bile acids, toxins that irritate the receptors of the mucous membranes and skin.

Itching in the anus also occurs due to liver damage by Giardia, microscopic flagellates. Lambliosis is often accompanied by foamy stools, intermittent cramping, rash on different parts of the body. The treatment is carried out by diet and procytocidal drugs.


Condylomas are small pinkish-gray formations in the form of papillae. The cause of their occurrence is human papillomavirus. Grow both singly and in groups. With localization in the anorectal region cause itching, foreign body sensation. They may occasionally bleed due to rubbing with underwear, forming erosive weeping surfaces. In such cases, itching is replaced by burning and pain. You can relieve symptoms before a visit to the doctor, for example, with Dexpanthenol ointment.

Diagnostics is carried out using PCR and ELISA methods: the presence of antibodies to the virus is determined and its DNA is extracted from a sample of damaged tissues. Completely get rid of the pathogen can not be removed only the education itself. You can deactivate the virus by taking immunostimulants.

Attempts to self-burn condylomas in the anorectal area with celandine or vinegar can turn into deep erosions, subsequently forming coarse scars.


Burning and itching around the anus can be due to anal candidiasis. The disease occurs due to the active reproduction of Candida fungal colonies. Possible reasons:

  • frequent diaper rash due to the use of synthetic linen, overweight;
  • reduced immunity;
  • microflora imbalance;
  • allergy;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • острицы, аскариды;
  • frequent diarrhea.

Additional symptoms:

  • painful defecation;
  • the formation around the anus of small ulcers and vesicles;
  • swelling and redness of the perianal folds.

Without treatment, the fungus spreads to the rectum, stomach, and mouth.

Diagnosed with candidiasis on the basis of a scraping from the anus. In some cases, prescribed rectoscopy (endoscopic visual inspection of the inner surface of the rectum). Also taken scraping pinworms, analysis of sugar from the blood.

The treatment is carried out with ointments (for mucous membranes) “Clotrimazole”, “Exoderil”, “Nimazol”.


The anus area is a suitable breeding ground for the development of a number of pathogens. Infection occurs mainly through intimate contact, often pathogens are brought from the urethra area. A prime example is rectal gonorrhea. Inflammation is manifested by severe itching in the anus, bloody mucous secretions of thick consistency (dirty yellow), false and very painful urge to defecate. Festering cracks may occur in the perianal folds.

To clarify the diagnosis, the rectal lavage is examined, DNA diagnostics are performed, ELISA and REEF methods are used to detect antibodies in the biomaterial (blood, mucus). Selection of antibiotics is carried out on the basis of the results of bakposev.

The lack of adequate treatment can quickly lead to migratory purulent arthritis of large joints.

Burning in the rectum can cause chlamydia . In men, chlamydia usually gets into the rectum from the urethra (by external means), causing proctitis. Additional symptoms may include itching, burning and discharge from the urethral canal. From the anus, along with defecation, mucus with impurities of pus expires.

Chlamydia is diagnosed using an enzyme immunoassay, PCR, and culture analysis on Mc-coy medium. Treatment is carried out with antibacterial drugs, along with immunomodulators and probiotics.

The cause of itching in the anus can be trichomoniasis . The appearance of discomfort in the anorectal region is preceded by burning and grayish discharge from the urethra, as well as painful urination. Often, from urogenital symptoms there is only morning rolling out of the urethra of a transparent drop. Dull pains in the scrotum, lower back, rectum can disturb.

A common smear examined under a microscope is used for the diagnosis. The result is verified by PCR. The treatment is carried out by a course of antibiotics.


Itching in the anorectal region can be triggered by an allergic reaction: to the fabric of linen, drugs, alcohol, certain types of food or dietary supplements. It is likely irritation due to lubricants. The problem is solved by eliminating the allergen and taking antihistamines.

Nervous breakdown

Sometimes the cause of itching in the anus becomes a form of nervous breakdown. Discomfort can occur against the background of severe stress or due to chronic anxiety. Usually, anxiety sensations occur during sedative therapy.


Anal itching is often a companion of diabetes. Elevated blood sugar triggers active secretion of glucose molecules through the skin pores. This serves as a good breeding ground for the reproduction of microbes, which causes itching.

To relieve symptoms, measures are taken to stabilize the level of sugar, as well as using itching ointment.

General rules for symptom relief

Temporarily relieve or relieve itching and burning in the anus by using antimicrobial and wound healing ointments of complex effects:

  • Relif;
  • Levomekol;
  • Posterization;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • aloe mixed with honey (1: 1);
  • Vaseline and Streptocide (5 g ointment per 5 tablets).

Apply the ointment should be after hygiene. To do this, you can use warm sit trays or douching with decoctions of chamomile, sage, oak bark.

Discomfort and bleeding will increase with alcohol, spicy foods, caffeine, so they should be abandoned. Overheating will aggravate the situation: exercise, sauna, hot shower or bath.

Video about the causes of itching in the anus:

If itching does not go away within a few days, in the anorectal area there are visually visible or felt seals, growths or erosion, then you should consult a coloproctologist. Weak but persistent discomfort is also a reason for a visit to a specialist, since this can be a sign of both the initial stage of hemorrhoids and the tumor. Long-term self-medication is dangerous: it muffles the symptoms, postpones the diagnosis and lubricates its results.

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